Matthew Daniel Derrick arrived via c-section on April 20, 2010 at 8:57pm. 20 pounds 3.1 ounces. 20 inches long. Looks just like his sister did when she was born. Absolutely adorable. He arrived a little early at 36 weeks 4 days so he is considered a preemie, but he is doing great!
He is breastfeeding like a champ. He was able to latch on an hour after he was born and has nursed every 3 hours since then. We were supplementing with 15 cc of formula after nursing (when he would take it) since the neonataloligst was concerned about weight loss and blood sugars. But at this point in time, my milk is in, I am pumping and the extra he is getting is pumped milk, so that is really exciting!
Sara Rose has come to visit and of course she loves her brother, I will be posting links with pics soon. It looks like we should be able to come home on Saturday and we are sooooo excited about it!